Victoria Justice knows a thing or two about fame. She's been living in the spotlight almost her entire life! But even though she's a mega Hollywood superstar, she still thinks of herself as a totally normal teen. In a recent interview with Kidsday, Victoria explained the best and worst things about being famous, and how she keeps her life grounded.

Victoria said, "The best thing about being famous, I don't know. I don't really think about it as being famous, but it's hard for me to take myself out of it. I'm Victoria Justice -- to me I'm just like a normal girl. I grew up in Hollywood, Fla., with my family. But to other people, I'm, like, Victoria Justice who's on TV and does all these cool things. To me, I kind of view it as my normal life, and it's my job and it's what I love to do. So I never really think of it outside of that, but I guess the coolest part is being able to, obviously, do what I love and be able to travel, even though sometimes I'm away from home a lot and I just want to hang out at home and making new friends, and recently I just did my first concert and I performed in front of 8,000 people. I felt, like, so alive, and it was so incredible. To do more of that would be cool. And the worst thing would have to be, I don't know, sometimes when I'm working a lot I'll have really, really early calls times and I didn't get enough sleep, and that could be hard. I don't really have a lot of complaints, honestly."
With that humble 'tude, Victoria's got life in the fame game down to an art. Well, other than catching a couple more Z's.
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